I can't wait for them to come each year, but I must admit after a long hard ride, I am glad I have no more Hex trips booked!!!
Cool weather and lots of rain made this year a reel struggle, but we went out on a high note. Just like golf we forget all the slow nights and just remember the eagle on the last hole!!!
I also had some great brook trout fishing during the day while all the night insanity was going on. We caught lots of fish and some nice sized ones to boot. All the fish we have caught this year have been full to the gills and fat as little pigs! All that high water has given them lots to eat. The best night I had in the Hex was with Tony Kalbli it was his first night trip and he made the best of it. I put him on 5 nice feeding fish and he managed to catch four of them. Not to shabby for a rookie !!!
Now I am looking forward to the morning hatches which should start any day now also the terrestrials won't be far behind. Give be a call if you are interested in some great summer trout fishing.
Tight lines, Dave